Sunday, August 06, 2006

Back and Black, err Tan

I got back from Ocean City, Maryland last Tuesday. I'm still finding sand in weird places.

My vacation was rather terrific. I say this with content stoicism, because my vacations there are almost always perfect. This is not to say that the weather has always been perfect or something hasn't gone wrong. It's just that, unlike any other place in the world, the good experiences vastly overshadow the bad. Hell, even a bad experience can be easily molded into a good one. For instance, there was a 20-minute thunderstorm during dinnertime (we normally eat outside). We just waited for it to subside and then ate dinner. In the meantime I filmed my brother and my cousin run around the house in their bathing suits.

As they say, a picture is a worth a thousand words. So here are a couple thousand words:

The Cast:

My youngest cousin, Kimmy.

Her older brother, Brad.

Their mother, my Aunt Kathy.

My brother, Chris.


The weather, beautiful.

I had to test the zoom function on my camera.

My brother gets artistic with sunscreen.

As does my cousin with his towel.

We ate outside for nearly every meal. So, naturally, many flies joined us.

After I snapped these photos, I decided to test the flip screen by taking some self-potraits, which I combined into the following collage:

I take full responsibility for your nightmares for the rest of your life.

More to come later.


Anonymous said...

this is dums

KVK said...

Oh, Heather, thank you so much...